Saturday, 15 November 2014


Man was created from sand and was given all the essentials to live successfully on earth, he was given a religion with which its teachings he can live a purposeful and fulfilled life, the religion which is believed to be safe haven where the righteous and the believer derive their pleasure, it is the house that hold the heaven and earth which itself was created to be standing with the support of the Pillars of Islam, it is held in position with the aid of five pillars which are; iman, salat, zakat, sawn and hajj.
                A religion that possesses all these pillars but with the exclusion of one is like a house without its pillars complete, the house will lack firmness, it will be shaky and will cause harm to the people living therein
       One of these pillars is a shield that screens man away from indecency and lustful activities, according to Prophet Muhammad “fasting is a shield or a shelter so the person observing fast should avoid sexual relation with his wife and should not behave foolishly and with him enjoined to be doing good to kith and kin
                This pillar that shields man from the torment of hell fire also provide shelter that screens man away from the influence of devil, the one-time believer of God that was later excommunicated and estranged from God as a result of pride, the said pillar is to be held tightly by everyone that claims to be Muslim during the scheduled month, Ramadan, in revelation of how great and blessed this month is, the under listed will open your eyes and give you hints on how blessed the month is
Month of knowledge : everything that relates to knowledge in Islam come from this month as the first teaching, learning and reading believed have ever occurred in Islam was as a result of the revelation of the ummukl-kitab, the mother of all books, the Quran, which was revealed during this blessed month of sawn, the book was revealed and received with the prophet Muhammad being under the veil of ignorance after which he was commanded to read in the name of God that created him and so he started reading and this was what closed the door against the period of ignorance in Islam, it was the month in which knowledge, wisdom and understanding was given birth to
Month of bountiful harvest- all good deeds that mankind embark on during this month will be rewarded in manifold and in addition, the last ten nights during Ramadan has in it the night of destiny, a single night that whoever is able to rise up in and worship God is better than someone that worship in a thousand months
Month of repentance; -  during this month, every evil doers and sinners always have a change of mind as a result of various wonders that is performed during this months, the doorstep to the places of indecent acts like  prostitution, gambling and drunkenness dries as consecrated air from heaven pervade the atmosphere
Month of freedom; this month is the month which everyone experience freedom to do good deeds and shun indecency, it is the month in which the door to the paradise is widely open to all mankind and also, it is the month when devil and its agents will be tied down with chains so that he would not have influence to misguide anyone
Month of do and live ; this month is the month when people are able to show generosity to their fellow man without regret, everything come in abundance, peoples graving for the things reduce because before they ask for it, they have been granted

                According to the Quran, fasting has been ordained for every Muslim as it has been ordained for every Muslim as it has been ordained for those before you, so that you may become pious

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